CMS Distribution

Connecting CMS to a new brand and website

CMS Distribution, a leading distributor of innovative technologies, approached us to revitalize its brand identity, create a unified visual language, and develop a new website that reflects its commitment to innovation and growth. With a dated logo, inconsistent visual communication, and a need for a modern online presence, CMS Distribution sought our expertise to position itself as a trusted, customer-centric company in the competitive technology distribution market.

Our team at Kickass Online developed a comprehensive branding solution that included a logo redesign, visual language development, detailed brand guidelines, team-specific logos, a theme logo for "Innovate to Grow," and a new website built on the Hubspot platform. The result was a cohesive brand identity reflecting CMS Distribution's values and expertise and a website effectively communicating its message to its target audience.
Brand Redesign
Website Design

The Challenge

CMS Distribution, a leading distributor of innovative technologies, approached Kickass Online with a clear objective: to redesign its brand and logo. The company's existing visual identity was outdated and lacked cohesive brand guidelines, hindering its ability to communicate its message and values effectively to its target audience.

Our Approach

Our team at Kickass Online embarked on a comprehensive rebranding process, starting with an in-depth analysis of CMS Distribution's brand identity, target audience, and competitive landscape. Through close collaboration with the CMS Distribution team, we developed several concept designs, iterating and refining until we arrived at the perfect solution.

The Solution

The final logo design features a modern, dynamic aesthetic that captures CMS Distribution's commitment to innovation and growth. We introduced a gradient semi-circle element reminiscent of a loading bar to symbolize the company's constant strive towards perfection and progress. This visual element also serves as a subtle nod to CMS Distribution's role in delivering cutting-edge technologies to its customers.

We updated the colour palette to include vibrant, energetic hues to enhance the brand's visual impact further. The primary colours, Shamrock Green and Dodger Blue, pay homage to CMS Distribution's Irish roots while creating a fresh, contemporary look. We also introduced Active Orange as the brand's call-to-action colour, ensuring that essential elements stand out and drive engagement. The palette is rounded out with Woodsmoke Black and Gallery Grey, providing versatility and balance.

The Results

The revitalized brand identity has been a game-changer for CMS Distribution. The new logo and colour palette have injected new life into the company's visual communication, making their brand more memorable and recognizable. The consistent application of the brand guidelines across all touchpoints has helped CMS Distribution establish a robust and cohesive brand presence, both online and offline.

Since the rebranding, CMS Distribution has reported increased brand recognition, customer engagement, and overall positive feedback from its target audience. The new visual identity has also boosted employee morale and pride in the company, as they now have a brand that truly reflects their values and aspirations.

As part of the comprehensive rebranding initiative, Kickass Online developed a fully bespoke website for CMS Distribution using the Hubspot platform. The website design seamlessly incorporates the new brand identity, ensuring a consistent visual experience across all digital touchpoints. 

Our team created several unique modules and pages, including a dedicated section covering the company's rich history, an engaging blog, and a leadership staff directory that showcases the expertise and experience of the CMS Distribution team. We also provided consultation on the development of their e-commerce Magento website, ensuring that it aligned with the new brand guidelines. 

To add an extra layer of engagement, we implemented a custom animated feature that brings the website to life and captures the attention of visitors. The result is a dynamic, user-friendly website that effectively communicates CMS Distribution's brand story and values while providing an exceptional user experience.

Before and After

In addition to the main logo redesign, Kickass Online developed a suite of sub-logos for various teams within CMS Distribution, ensuring that each department had a distinct visual identity that still aligned with the overall brand. We also created a special logo for the year's theme, further reinforcing the company's commitment to innovation and growth. 

To ensure consistency across all brand touchpoints, we designed a wide range of stationery items, including business cards, letterheads, and envelopes. We also provided digital assets such as zoom backgrounds, allowing employees to maintain a professional and cohesive brand image during virtual meetings. 

To support CMS Distribution's marketing efforts, we created mockups for banners, mugs, and uniforms, showcasing how the new brand identity could be applied across various promotional materials. Finally, we developed a comprehensive 60-page brand guideline document, serving as a detailed reference for the proper usage of the new logo, colour palette, typography, and other visual elements. This ensures that the CMS Distribution team can maintain brand consistency across all communications, both internally and externally.

Evete Medeiras

Chief People Officer, CMS Distribution
I am so happy with the work Kickass Online did for us. They really understood what we needed and helped us create a new brand and website that looks amazing.