The Ultimate Guide to PPC: Frequently Asked Questions

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PPC Marketing

Managing a successful Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign involves addressing various challenges and making informed decisions. However, it's common for marketers to have questions and seek guidance to optimise their campaigns effectively. In this article, we will answer seven commonly asked PPC questions and provide insights to help you navigate the world of PPC advertising.

1. “How to know if conversion tracking is working correctly?”

To validate conversion tracking, utilise extensions like the Google Tag Assistant for Chrome or the Google Analytics Debugger extension. These tools help identify any tracking issues and provide insights for further investigation. For Facebook tracking, the Pixel Helper extension is available to diagnose tracking for Facebook campaigns.

2. “What's the best metric to determine the winning ad in a test?”

The "impression until conversion" metric, as outlined by Brad Geddes, combines CTR and conversion rate. This metric represents the number of times an ad needs to be shown to generate a lead. Lower numbers indicate higher cost efficiency and better messaging. Additionally, consider any predefined thresholds agreed upon with clients to determine the winning ad.

3. “What should I do when something doesn't work?”

When facing challenges or encountering unexpected results, keeping a record or downloading existing content before making any major changes is essential. If the desired results are not achieved, consider conducting a mass "undo" while assessing what can be learned from the experience. Gain insights from unsuccessful projects or restructures and leverage that knowledge for future improvements.

4. “How many keywords should there be per ad group?”

While the optimal number of keywords per ad group may vary, a recommended guideline is to keep fewer than 20 keywords per ad group. Focus on relevance when selecting keywords and ensure your ad copy effectively speaks to each term. Keyword-level URLs can aid in landing page relevance, but it's crucial to consider the overall relevance of your creative for quality score and user experience.

5. “How many ads should an ad group have?”

Adopting a "more-can-be-better" approach is recommended. Allow the platform to assist in sorting out the best-performing ads by utilising the setting "Optimise rotation: prefer best performing ad." For expanded text ads, aim for 4-6 ads per ad group, and include at least two responsive search ads. Running both ad types simultaneously can maximise the effectiveness of your campaigns.

6. “Should different match types exist in different ad groups or campaigns?”

The approach to managing match types depends on personal preferences and management needs. Some prefer segmenting match types by campaign to have better control over spend-to-query. Others keep the same content in a single campaign but divide ad groups into different match types. Both approaches can utilise embedded negatives for additional control, while tiered bidding can be employed for exact matching.

7. “When should an ad test be concluded?”

Typically, a threshold of 1,000-2,000 impressions or 200 clicks within the ad group for search campaigns can indicate when to wrap up an ad test. However, in cases with no clear winner, look for statistical significance using online tools or calculators like the Teasley calculator to determine the significance of the results.


By addressing these commonly asked PPC questions, you can gain valuable insights and improve the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns. Be open to taking risks and learning from unsuccessful endeavours, utilise platform features to optimise ad performance, and regularly evaluate and refine your strategies. PPC advertising requires ongoing experimentation and optimisation to achieve desired results, and by staying informed and implementing best practices, you can maximise the success of your campaigns.

Looking for a reliable PPC agency in North London? Look no further than Kickass Online! As a local digital marketing company serving London and beyond, we specialize in creating impactful campaigns that help our clients generate leads and convert more sales in today's busy online world. Whether you're a small business owner looking to expand your reach or a large corporation seeking to optimize your digital marketing strategy, we have the expertise and experience to deliver results without equal. Contact us today!
