The Dos and Dont’s of Improving Mobile App Conversion Rates

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people using their smartphones

As mobile app usage continuously rises, app developers must focus on increasing their conversion rate. Conversion rate is the number of times an app user takes an action you want them to take, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. Taking the proper steps to improve your mobile app conversion rate is essential. 

Here is a list of dos and don’ts to facilitate you in accomplishing better mobile conversion rates.

What to Do

1. Prepare Your Traffic Sources

It is essential to optimise your traffic sources to get the best results from your campaigns. This involves selecting the most relevant and profitable traffic sources, such as Facebook, Google, and Apple’s App Store. It is also essential to track the performance of each of these sources so that you can make the necessary adjustments to maximise your conversions.

2. Put Meaningful Ads

Ads are one of the most effective ways to promote your mobile app. However, ensuring that the ads are targeted to the right audience and placed in the right places is crucial. For example, if you’re targeting a younger demographic, you should consider placing your ads on social media platforms like Instagram or Snapchat. On the other hand, if you’re aiming for a more mature demographic, you should consider placing your ads on Google or Apple’s App Store.

3. Enable the CTA Buttons to be Visible

Call-to-action (CTA) buttons are essential for driving mobile conversion rates. It is vital to make your CTA buttons visible so users can easily find them and take the desired action. This can be done by using eye-catching colours and placing them in prominent locations on your website or app.

4. Ensure the Clearance of Your Value Proposition

It is vital to communicate your value proposition. Users who need help understanding what your app offers will be less likely to convert.

What to Avoid

1. Avoid Repetitive Messages

It is essential to ensure that your messages are varied, as this can become annoying for your users and will not encourage them to take action. Instead, keeping your messages fresh and engaging is best so that your users remain engaged and are more likely to take the desired action.

2. Never Miss the Get Reviews and Ratings

Getting user reviews and ratings is essential, as this will help build trust and increase your conversion rate.

3. Do Not Compromise the User Experience

You should never compromise the user experience to try and improve your conversion rate. If your app is not easy to use and provides a poor user experience, users won’t be likely to convert.

4. Do Not Forget to Conduct an Analysis

To make sure you’re working out everything you can to improve your conversion rate, it’s essential to stay on top of your data and analytics. Conduct regular analysis and use the data to inform your decisions and strategies for the future.


By following the dos and don’ts above, you can ensure that you take the proper steps to improve your mobile app conversion rate. If you are consistent and focused on optimising your app, you must be able to see positive results in no time.

Kickass Online is a local digital marketing company that offers customised solutions to its clients in London and beyond. With its extensive experience creating impactful campaigns, the company has become a trusted partner for businesses seeking to increase their leads and sales online. If you are looking for an expert digital marketing agency to help you achieve your mobile conversion rates, contact us to get started.
