5 Signs That Tell You Should Redesign Your Website ASAP

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designing a website

There are hardly any businesses, whether startups or established, that do not have a website. With everything going digital, the only way to keep up with the fast-paced world of the wide web is by having an effective site that continuously adapts to the changes in algorithms and trends. Simply put, the best way to stay relevant is by keeping up to date. And if you already have a website, but may not have been redesigning it constantly, now is the time to evaluate it to determine if it's due for some revising.

1. User Experience Needs Improvement

The way you present your website to your users should be your priority. Therefore it should be designed with them in mind. If they find it challenging to navigate, the buttons are not where they should be or the website's overall look is outdated, they will likely leave and go to a competitor. Improving UX on your website by making it easier to use and more visually enticing will lead to a positive user experience, leading customers back to your services or products every time.

2. Site Is Loading Slowly

When a website takes a long time to load, it can lead to higher bounce rates and fewer conversions. Both are fatal combinations that will ultimately compromise the success of your business. Hence, you need to address this issue right away. A website redesign includes using more updated coding techniques to boost your site speed.

3. Conversion Rates and Audience Reach Is a Struggle

One way to tell that your website design is good is when it is optimized for conversions and if it helps you reach new visitors regularly. If your stats tell you otherwise, then by all means, you should redesign your website. You can add features like live chat, customer reviews and product recommendations that can help increase conversions. These things matter because users need to feel valued and involved.

 Make sure you set up a responsive design, and you'll be able to see growth in conversions in no time. One thing to consider is making your website mobile-friendly and compatible with different screen sizes. This way, your services and products will be accessible to more people.

4. First Page of the SERP Is Not Your Home

By now, you already know the benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). And if you don't find your website on the first page of search results, then your site needs some work. SEO can be very tricky, so if this poses a persistent problem in your business growth, consider hiring highly-skilled professionals to do it for you. An experienced website design company offers in-depth audits and best practices to ensure your site lands at the top. Thus, increasing the amount of organic traffic your website receives.

5. Security is Compromised

A good website design includes more than lead conversions and organic traffic. You should also pay attention to your website's security. Employing the latest security protocols as you redesign your site will avoid exposure to any malicious attacks in the future. Don't skip this step, and get a trustworthy company that can help you hackproof your site. 


As a business owner, we know you have many things on top of your head. Website redesigning can be an overwhelming project, and it is understandable if you don't find DIY your cup of tea; it would be best to seek the help of experts who can take you in the right direction. 

Kickass Online how digital marketing is different from traditional marketing. We design professional and bespoke websites that get you great leads. Book a call today!
