Revive Your Old Content: SEO Benefits & How to Do It

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editing old content on laptop

In the world of digital marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO) is king. The higher your website ranks on a search engine results page (SERP), the more traffic you'll get. One effective way to improve your website's ranking is to update old blog posts for SEO. In this article, we'll look at the benefits of updating old blog posts and how to do it.

1. Boost Your SERP Ranking

When you update old blog posts for SEO, you make them more relevant to the keywords and phrases that people are searching for. This relevance helps search engines recognise that your content is valuable and should be ranked higher on the SERP. By improving your ranking, you’ll attract more visitors to your website, increasing your chances of converting them into customers.

2. Increase Your Website Traffic

As we mentioned, updating old blog posts for SEO can boost your website's ranking, which, in turn, will increase your website traffic. But that's not the only way updating old blog posts can help you get more traffic. By updating your content, you're giving people a reason to come back to your website. If they see that you're regularly updating your content, they'll be more likely to return and see what's new.

3. Improve User Experience

When you update old blog posts, you're not just sprucing up the content. You're also making sure that the post is easy to read and easy to navigate. This improvement in user experience can keep people on your website for longer, reducing your bounce rate. A lower bounce rate will signal to search engines that your website is valuable and relevant, which can improve your ranking even further.

4. Increase Your Social Media Visibility

When you update old blog posts, you can share them on social media again. This sharing can increase your social media visibility, which can lead to more website traffic and more customers. When you share on social media, make sure to use relevant hashtags and tag people or brands that might be interested in the content.

5. Save Time and Effort

Creating new content from scratch can be time-consuming and effort-intensive. By updating old blog posts, you can save yourself a lot of time and effort. You don't have to research a new topic, come up with a new angle, or write a new headline. Instead, you can repurpose an existing post and make it better.

How to Get Started

Now that you know the benefits of updating old blog posts for SEO let's look at how to get started.

1. Identify Posts That Need Updating

The first step is to identify which blog posts need updating. Look for posts that are outdated, have inaccurate information or are not performing well. You can use tools like Google Analytics to see which posts are attracting the most traffic and which ones have a high bounce rate.

2. Analyze the Content

Once you've identified the posts that need updating, analyse the content. Look for ways to improve the content, such as adding new information or statistics, updating links, or improving the writing style.

3. Optimise for SEO

When you're updating the content, make sure to optimise it for SEO. This means using relevant keywords and phrases throughout the post, using subheadings and meta descriptions, and making sure the post is mobile-friendly.

4. Update the Title and URL

If you're making significant changes to the post, consider updating the title and URL. The title and URL should accurately reflect the content of the post and include relevant keywords.

5. Promote the Updated Post

Once you've updated the post, promote it on social media and through email marketing. This promotion can help attract new visitors to your website and increase your social media visibility.


Updating old blog posts for SEO is an effective way to improve your website's ranking, increase your website traffic, and save time and effort. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can identify which blog posts need updating, analyse the content, and optimize it for SEO. By doing so, you'll improve your user experience, increase your social media visibility, and attract more customers to your website.

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