Grievance Procedure

Purpose: At Kickass Online Ltd (KAO), we believe in open communication and the fair treatment of all employees. This Grievance Procedure provides a process for employees to raise concerns, problems, or complaints related to their work or work environment.

Scope: This procedure applies to all employees of KAO.


  1. Informal Resolution: Whenever possible, employees are encouraged to resolve their grievances informally by discussing the issue with the relevant person or their immediate supervisor. If there is something that is upsetting you, do not leave it to fester. Bring it up as soon as possible to prevent it becoming a chronic problem.
  2. Formal Grievance Submission: If the issue cannot be resolved informally, or if it is of a serious nature, the employee should submit a formal grievance in writing to their manager or the HR department. The grievance should clearly outline the details of the concern.
  3. Acknowledgment of Grievance: Upon receiving a formal grievance, HR will acknowledge receipt and inform the employee of the steps to be taken.
  4. Investigation: A thorough investigation will be conducted. This may involve interviewing the employee who raised the grievance, the person(s) the grievance is against, and any witnesses. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process.
  5. Grievance Meeting: A formal meeting will be held with the employee to discuss the grievance. The employee has the right to be accompanied by a colleague or a trade union representative.
  6. Response: After the meeting and investigation, HR will provide a written response to the grievance and any action that will be taken.
  7. Appeal: If the employee is not satisfied with the outcome, they have the right to appeal the decision. The appeal should be made in writing, stating the grounds of the appeal, and should be submitted within a specified timeframe.
  8. Final Decision: The appeal will be reviewed by a senior manager not previously involved in the case. The decision made at this stage is final.