Don’t Make These SEO Errors: Expert Tips for Success

Est. Reading: 3 minutes

Optimising your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) is crucial for its success. This process, called search engine optimisation (SEO), helps drive more traffic to your site.

However, many website owners unknowingly make SEO mistakes that can cause lower rankings and less traffic. In this article, we will address five common mistakes you should avoid to ensure the success of your website.

1. Long Messy URLs

URLs are the addresses users type into their browsers to access your website. They are crucial in SEO, user experience, and overall website usability. Hence, your website's URLs should be short, simple, and descriptive.

Long, messy URLs are difficult for search engines to crawl and understand, hurting your rankings. A good URL structure should include your target keyword and be at most 2-5 words long. 

2. Low Text to HTML Ratio

The text-to-HTML ratio is an important metric in website optimisation. It measures the amount of text on a web page compared to the HTML code. The higher the ratio, the better the page is considered to be from a search engine optimisation (SEO) perspective. 

One way to improve the text-to-HTML ratio is to minimise unnecessary HTML tags and remove any inline styling. Another way is to increase the text on the page while maintaining a good user experience. Adding more descriptive content, such as product descriptions, blog posts, or FAQs, can achieve this.

3. Broken Images

Adding images to your website enhances your users' visual appeal and engagement. However, broken or missing images can negatively affect your website's user experience and SEO. Broken images can confuse search engines and affect your website's ranking. Additionally, users may leave your website or lose trust in your brand if they encounter too many broken images.

To fix broken images:

  • Check the image file paths and ensure they are correct.
  • Optimise images for web use by compressing them to reduce size without compromising quality.
  • Use an image hosting service that guarantees uptime and reliability for your images.

4. Naked Anchor Text

Naked anchor text refers to anchor text that is not related to the content it's linking to. Hence, you should use descriptive anchor text that includes your target keyword. For example, instead of "click here," apply "learn more about SEO."

5. Bad Robots.txt Settings

Robots.txt is a file that tells search engines which pages to crawl and which to avoid. Bad settings can prevent your website from being indexed by search engines. Check your robots.txt file regularly to ensure it's not blocking important pages.

Using robots.txt to hide poor quality or repeated content is also not a good idea, as it may harm your search engine rankings. If you're unsure how to make or improve your robots.txt file, it's best to ask an experienced SEO consultant for assistance.

Final Thoughts

SEO is a critical element of any outstanding online business planning. Avoiding these common SEO mistakes can improve your website's visibility, increase organic traffic, and drive more revenue. Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO best practices and regularly review and optimise your website to ensure it's performing at its best.

Discover how Kickass Online can boost your website's visibility and drive more traffic with our expert SEO strategies. Don't miss out on the opportunity to dominate your industry. Take the first step towards success, and get in touch with us today!
