A Guide to Choosing the Right Keywords for Your PPC Campaign

Est. Reading: 3 minutes
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A successful pay-per-click (PPC) campaign can significantly boost traffic, conversions, and, ultimately, revenue for your business. However, the success of your PPC campaign largely depends on selecting the right keywords that will attract the right audience and deliver the best return on investment (ROI). 

This guide will discuss the key factors to consider when finding the right keywords for your PPC campaign. You can improve your campaigns and gain more PPC ROI through these considerations. 

Understand Your Target Audience and Their Search Intent

Before diving into keyword research, it's essential to clearly understand your target audience and what they're searching for online. This will help you choose the most relevant keywords that will drive traffic and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Consider the problems your target audience is facing and the solutions they seek. Are they looking for information or ready to make a purchase? Remember that different keywords may target different stages of the buyer's journey. 

Conduct Thorough Keyword Research

Several tools and PPC services are available to help you with this process, including Google Ads Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, and SEMrush. These tools can provide valuable insights into the search volume, competition, and cost-per-click (CPC) of various keywords, helping you make informed decisions.

When conducting keyword research, consider the following factors:

  • Relevance: Choose highly relevant keywords for your business, products, or services. This will ensure that your ads are shown to users who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.
  • Search Volume: Look for keywords with a high search volume, which indicates that many users are searching for these terms. However, be cautious about targeting viral keywords, as they have higher competition and costs.
  • Competition: Assess the level of competition for each keyword. Targeting keywords with low competition can sometimes result in lower CPCs and higher ROIs. However, balancing competition and search volume is essential to achieve the best results.
  • Long-tail Keywords: These are longer, more specific keyword phrases that may have lower search volumes but often have less competition and higher conversion rates. For example, instead of targeting the highly competitive keyword "running shoes," you might target a long-tail keyword like "women's trail running shoes."
  • Group Your Keywords into Ad Groups

Once you have a list of probable keywords, organising them into relevant ad groups is crucial. This will help you create highly targeted ads that speak directly to the needs of your audience. Well-structured ad groups can also improve your quality, resulting in lower CPCs and higher ad rankings.

Start by categorising your keywords based on themes, product categories, or target audience segments. 

Consider Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are terms you don't prefer your ads to appear for. Adding negative keywords to your PPC campaigns can prevent your ads from appearing for irrelevant searches, saving you money and improving overall campaign performance.

Identify keywords that might trigger your ads but aren't relevant to your target audience or offerings. 

Regularly Monitor and Optimize Your Keyword Performance

Keyword selection is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and optimisation. As you gather data on your PPC campaign performance, use this information to refine your keyword selection and improve your overall strategy.

  • Monitor your keyword performance using tools like Google Ads or other analytics platforms.
  • Identify high-performing keywords and allocate more budget to them.
  • Remove or adjust underperforming keywords or ad groups.
  • Continuously test and experiment with new keywords and long-tail variations.


Choosing the proper keywords for your PPC campaign is crucial in driving relevant and high-quality traffic to your website, developing leads, and ultimately increasing your PPC ROI. By following the steps above, conducting regular optimisations, and staying up-to-date with industry trends and competitor analysis, you can ensure that your PPC keyword strategy remains effective and efficient in achieving your marketing goals. 

Kickass Online is a dedicated and innovative digital marketing company that serves London and the rest of the world with a commitment to generating significant results for its clients. By partnering with our exceptional digital marketing company, businesses can expect to receive tailor-made solutions enabling them to thrive in the digital landscape, ultimately leading to increased growth and success. To discuss your specific marketing needs, don't hesitate to contact our PPC agency in North London today.
