IT & Communications Policy

Purpose: The IT and Communications Policy at Kickass Online Ltd (KAO) is designed to ensure the secure, effective, and responsible use of all information technology and communication resources.

Scope: This policy applies to all employees of KAO and covers all forms of technology and communication systems, including, but not limited to, computers, mobile devices, email, internet, and social media use.


  1. Acceptable Use: Employees must use the company’s IT and communication resources responsibly and primarily for business-related purposes. Personal use is permitted within reasonable limits and should not interfere with work duties.
  2. Security: Employees are responsible for the security of the IT equipment and data they use. This includes using strong passwords, not sharing login credentials, and locking computers when away from the desk.
  3. Confidentiality: Sensitive company information should not be disclosed through unsecured channels. Confidential data should be shared only with authorised personnel and in compliance with our data protection policies.
  4. Software and Downloads: Only authorised software may be installed on company computers. Employees must not download or install unauthorised software or visit unsafe websites.
  5. Email and Communication Etiquette: Emails and other forms of communication should be professional and in line with company standards. Spamming, forwarding chain emails, or sending inappropriate content is prohibited.
  6. Social Media Use: Employees should refer to the KAO Social Media Policy for guidelines on the appropriate use of social media.
  7. Reporting Issues: Any issues with IT equipment, suspicions of a data breach, or misuse of IT resources must be reported immediately to the IT department.
  8. Policy Compliance: Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
  9. Training and Awareness: Regular training will be provided to employees on IT security, data protection, and responsible use of technology.