7 Expert Tips for Increasing Website Conversion Rate

Est. Reading: 3 minutes

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is a critical component of any successful website. It's the process of improving the number of website visitors that take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. The higher the website conversion rate, the more successful the website is.

Increasing the website conversion rate requires a multi-pronged strategy. Here are seven key steps you can take to boost your website’s conversion rate.

  1. Retarget and Re-Engage

Retargeting is an effective way to increase website conversion rates. By using retargeting, you can keep track of visitors that have visited your website but have yet to take the desired action. You can then target them with targeted ads and messages tailored to their interests. This will remind them to take action while also providing additional information or discounts that can encourage them to convert.

  1. Add Live Chat Tools

Live chat tools allow customers to ask questions in real-time and receive immediate responses. This helps to build trust, as customers feel like they are being listened to and their questions are being answered quickly. Live chat tools can also be used to provide personalised customer service, which can further increase website conversion rates.

  1. Design Compelling Calls to Action

Calls to action should be clearly visible and easy to understand. They should also be persuasive and encourage visitors to take the desired action. For example, you could use a button that says “Buy Now” or “Sign Up Today”. This will help to increase website conversion rates, as visitors will be more likely to take action if they are given clear direction.

  1. Create Concise Forms

Forms are an essential part of any website, but if they are shorter or require less information from the user, they can be a huge barrier to website conversion. Make sure your forms are concise and only require basic information from the user.

Additionally, make sure your forms are optimised for mobile devices, as many people are now using their mobile devices to access websites.

  1. Provide Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful tool for increasing website conversion rates. When potential customers see that others have used and enjoyed your product or service, it can encourage them to convert. Make sure to include customer testimonials and reviews on your website, as well as social media posts and reviews from influencers.

  1. Design Abandoned Cart Emails

Shopping cart abandonment is a major issue for online retailers. By creating abandoned cart emails and re-engaging customers who have left items in their carts, you can help increase the website conversion rate. Make sure your abandoned cart emails are personalised and include incentives to encourage customers to come back and complete their purchases.

  1. Remember to Test

Testing is essential to optimising the conversion rate. You should test different versions of the same page to see which performs best. This can be done by creating multiple variations of the page and then measuring the conversion rate of each. Then you can use the version that performs best.

Final Thoughts

Using these tactics, businesses can increase their website conversion rate and drive more sales. Implementing these tactics can take time and effort, but the results are worth it. By increasing website conversion rates, businesses can increase their profits and grow.

Here at Kickass Online, we have experts who can deliver the best website design for conversion. When you work with us, you receive a professional and bespoke website that presents your business in a unique and compelling way — and, most importantly, converts. Get in touch with us to talk about your project today!
